Witness The Circle Of Life – Wildebeest Migration And Predators In Serengeti

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African Scenic Safaris

Last updated on June 26th, 2023 at 08:52 am

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

Welcome to the home of the Greatest Spectacle on our planet – Serengeti National Park, where migration and predator-prey action go hand-in-hand. Serengeti Wildebeest Migration is one of the most enthralling phenomena that you’ll get to experience.

The Serengeti Wildebeest Migration is not only an awe-inducing spectacle but also a vital part of the ecosystem. This is because it shapes the lives of both prey and predators in the area. A Wildebeest Migration safari creates an incredible opportunity to witness the delicate balance of the food chain in the natural world. And, also offers a rare opportunity to observe the raw and dramatic interactions between predator and prey.

The Wildebeest Migration

Wildebeest Migration

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration is the sprint of life for the herbivore population of the park. This natural phenomenon is referred to as the greatest show on the planet and you can witness the show in all its glory on Tanzania Safari Tours.

This 800 km journey begins in the Southern region of the Serengeti. This natural marvel occurs just after the mass calving season (between January and March). The ambiance during this period is filled with new life and enthralling action.

Predators are seen constantly on the lookout for prey and this predator-prey interaction is one of the focal points of the Serengeti Migration. The drought arrives in May and the migrating herds move north, towards the Masai Mara in Kenya.

  • Migration isn’t just a smooth journey. It comes with a risk factor too and crossing the Mara and Grumeti rivers is no cakewalk.
  • First of all, the herds are confronted by more than 3000 crocodiles waiting patiently below the waters.
  • Then, the lion population comes in. Despite the abundance of hooved wildlife in the region, life doesn’t come easy for these big cats in this unforgiving landscape.
  • Seeing a group of lions cooperating to hunt down a wildebeest is a sight that few will get to see ever.

With the beginning of the short rains in late October, the herds make their way back to the Serengeti. Finally, by December the migrating herds trek past the Seronera region to return to their calving grounds. Thus, the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration comes full circle.

Reason For The Migration

The timing of the wildebeest migration matches the wet season (from November to May) in Tanzania. This is the time when the nutritious grasses of plains are the longest.

  • Though, this doesn’t last long! The grasses soon turn dry and short and the wildebeests have to move to the Western Corridor in search of greener pastures.
  • The northern section of Serengeti’s ecosystem receives the highest amount of rainfall. Though, the grasses are the least nutritious for the herds.
  • This makes for a retreat for the herds during the dry season, at least until the southern region transforms green again.

The result at the end is a clockwise movement of the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration herds from the south, west, north, and again back to the south.

The Predators Of The Serengeti

Serengeti National PArk

Among the larger carnivores, cheetahs, hyenas, and lions can be seen in almost all of the Serengeti Safari Areas. The number of leopards in the park is largely unknown mainly due to their elusive nature.

Spotted hyenas are a common sight in the Serengeti. Canidae species like bat-eared foxes and golden jackals can also be seen around the Seronera plains. Whereas, black-backed jackals are seen around the Lobo region. Other predator populations of the park include servals, civets, African wild cats, and African wild dogs.

The predators of Serengeti play a vital role in the ecosystem. This is because they control the herbivore population which maintains balance in the food chain. When on a Tanzania Safari in the Serengeti, you can see these predators up close. But keep in mind that you shouldn’t disturb their natural habitat.

This can only be achieved when you have an invaluable asset in your arsenal. These are the safari guides, they will help you maximize your viewing chances while also making sure that you don’t leave an impact on their habitat.

The Circle Of Life Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

Serengeti National Park doesn’t only represent the ultimate Tanzania Safari spectacle but it’s also the display of the circle of life. First of all, the migration itself is a rite of passage from birth to death. This is where millions of wildebeests along with zebras and gazelles fight for their ultimate survival against the predators.

  • This may seem harsh and cruel at first hand, but this is just the natural course of life.
  • The weaker ones in the ecosystem get taken out and the strong prevail.
  • This predator-prey relationship contributes to the delicate balance of the Serengeti ecosystem and balances out the natural food chain.

Life in the most literal sense enters where humans began – right back to the Earth. Then, through decomposition, the nutrients get absorbed into the soil that feeds the entire ecosystem. Witnessing the circle of life in the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration will let you reflect on the complexities of life.

Conservation And Sustainability

An equally important part of Safaris in Tanzania that most travellers don’t think about is conservation. The survival of wildlife is a matter of extreme concern! And one that should never be taken lightly. Proper conservation methods will make sure that future generations will enjoy these treasured inheritances.

  • Tourism helps to generate international awareness of conservation issues.
  • Contributing to the local economy and reducing poverty and inequality are other impacts that tourism has also had in Tanzania.
  • The presence of tourists also helps prevent illegal poaching activities and helps park management with game management work.

All the Tanzania National Parks are governed and managed by TANAPA. In Serengeti, TANAPA works closely with the Serengeti Conservation Project organization. Their primary goal is conservation. They are dedicated to the preservation of the rich natural heritage of Serengeti National Park. They also provide secure breeding grounds where the diverse flora and fauna of the Serengeti can flourish.

You can choose one of our sustainable Tanzania Safari Packages to how the conservation efforts in the Serengeti have made great strides for the wildlife population.

Moreover, dive into more information regarding Serengeti National Park by clicking the links below:

Witness Wildebeest & Predators Today!

Finally, Serengeti Wildebeest Migration is an incredible natural spectacle that offers visitors a rare opportunity to witness the delicate balance of nature. It also offers insights into the power of the predator-prey relationship and the raw beauty of the natural world. This is an experience that will leave an unforgettable mark on any safari enthusiast’s memory.

You can experience this wonder of nature through various safari packages and tours that cater to your interests. This is where African Scenic Safaris come in! We have a range of Tanzania Safari Packages that include Serengeti National Park.

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